Our Appointment System




Image of a couple using a tablet device

Patient Access

Book face-to-face or telephone appointments with your GP, nurse or clinician at a time that suits you.

Your details and information are protected by the highest standards of online
security, so all you need to worry about is what to do with the spare time you’ve



Problems booking online appointments?



Booking an appointment with the Doctor

We are now offering 48 hour ahead appointments by telephone or face to face. 

Please note there is no set time for the phone calls when booking either online through the access or one the phones.

  • Consultations are by appointment. These can be arranged in person, online or by telephoning either of the practices.
  • Practice phones will not be answered on weekends and we are open on Saturday mornings for pre-booked appointments.

Please remember each appointment is 10 minutes long and for one person only

  • If your need is urgent you will always be seen the same day, though your choice of time and doctor may be restricted
  • If you wish to be seen the same day please try to telephone before 10am
  • If you cannot keep your appointment please let us know so that it can be used for someone else

A GP speaking to a patient


Telephone Consultations

At present all consultations will start with a telephone triage and can be converted to a video consultation or a face to face consultation depending on clinical need. There is also the option to send pictures or documents via a secure text messaging system, accurx if needed and requested by the surgery team.


Cancel Appointments

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order to enable us to offer the slot to another patient. Appointments can also be cancelled on-line or by text message.

Cancel appointments you don't need